Tuition fees and student finance in England explained

Which? Money

An editorial guide explaining university tuition fees and student finance system in England, covering key questions like how student loans repayments work.

This guide was an amalgamation of several guides that previously sat on the Which? University website before the site closed down as part of an organisational strategy review. Which? Money adopted a package of key university-focused finance and budgeting editorial content given the overlap in subject area and strong appeal to a parent audience. The aim of this content was to drive traffic to the student budget calculator tool on Which? Money and grow Which? Money email subscribers (via a sign-up panel within the guide).

There was a challenge to seamlessly and concisely combine several guides covering several key topics and queries, plus tweak the language to reposition this for both students and parents.

Content was broken up with table infographics with deeper information condensed within collapsible accordion blocks to reduce page length.

Full guide here: